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Projects / Code
: A web based strategy game
MultiPass: A password management solution for Windows(/Linux)
MultiPass uses simple cryptography to turn a single master-password into
as many secure, unique passwords as you need: All the benefits of using unique, secure passwords, without risking
forgetting them all or losing them.
- Java applets: A few neat Java applets
A 3D graphics pipeline, raster graphics engine (learning tools for a computer graphics unit), an app with
colorful things that run around, eat food and breed, and a crude evolution simulator.
- EasyCaptcha: Easy to use web software to stop spam
- EasyCaptcha.php
Get rid of spam quickly and easily. This script is easy to install and doesn't
need database access or the ability to write to text files.
- Stop spam on phpBB 2 and 3
A guide on how to install EasyCaptcha into phpBB 2 or 3; easy and effective.
- Easy, efficient, and secure e-mail verification
Verify your users' e-mail addresses quickly and easily before the
registration process itself begins, without needing to store and manage their data on the server.
- Image log: Website to use images to covertly collect viewer information
This site, with source available, lets you upload an image, and monitor various details
about who is accessing it, while appearing to be a normal static image. (Originally used to try and match
a person to some suspect server-logs.)
- Amnet.gadget: Amnet internet quota desktop gadget
A Windows Desktop Gadget which will display an Amnet customer's internet quota graphically.
- JavaScript/Canvas Mapper: Makes drawing (x,y)->z 3D maps easy.
A set of JavaScript utility functions which make creating 3D maps easy, created to find maps to compare various local-search algorithms against, but interesting by itself.
- Casio Color Power Graphic 32kB programs:
Articles / texts
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