EasyCaptcha.php, for phpBB 2/3
What it is
An improved captcha for phpBB 2 and 3, which is easy to install and blocks spammers effectively.

How it works
EasyCaptcha is a simple, portable captcha which is easy
to add in anywhere a captcha is needed. This page is a guide to installing it in the common places it's needed
(you don't need to know about EasyCaptcha to install and use it).
Features/What sets it apart
- Hasn't been broken by spammers, like phpBB's official captcha
- No database or file storage space needed (which means easier installation and less potential for security issues)
- Easy install: Just copy the captcha folder over and edit a single phpBB file
- Has guides for phpBB 2 and 3 installation, but same simple technique can be used in any code
- Fits right into whatever it installs into; doesn't need its own pages/forms
Live installations:
HITB forum and
phpDip developers.
- Download the files here, and extract the files.
- Open EasyCaptcha/easycaptcha.php and replace "OASDOIJQWOIJDASDOI" with your own
random secret code.
- Upload the EasyCaptcha folder to your web server.
- Check that EasyCaptcha/easycaptcha.php is working, displaying captcha images.
- ... install it into phpBB2
or phpBB3 using the guides below,
- ... or install it into custom code
(your code, a different forum, whatever) using the technique used on the
EasyCaptcha page and in the guides below.
- Open usercp_register.php
- Add the image:
- Add the code check:
- Find:
- Replace:
- Replace "OASDOIJQWOIJDASDOI" in the code you just added with the secret code
you entered into EasyCaptcha/easycaptcha.php earlier.
- Test out registering a new account to see if everything is working.
- All done!
Warning! phpBB3's captcha system significantly changed in phpBB 3.0.6; the instructions below will not work on phpBB 3.0.6+.
In phpB 3.0.6+ there is a built in captcha module system, which allows a series of decent captcha options to choose from. I have gone with reCaptcha, since
it is the easiest to set up (it uses the same principal as EasyCaptcha, with the added bonus that Google hosts it, and it comes with phpBB, which makes the
guide below obsolete for any version of phpBB above 3.0.6.
- Open includes/ucp/ucp_register.php
- Add the image:
Add the code check:
- Find:
- Replace:
- Replace "OASDOIJQWOIJDASDOI" in the code you just added with the secret code
you entered into EasyCaptcha/easycaptcha.php earlier.
Delete everything in phpBB's cache folder, so you see the effects of the new code.
Test out registering see if everything is working.
All done!